Business Contributors

We are pleased to announce a full season with the Juneau Symphony as we celebrate our 62nd year of bringing high quality musical experiences to the Capital City. Season tickets sales have shown a robust return to the full season format and that our faithful supporters are eager to enjoy live symphonic music together. Ways to support the Juneau Symphony include…

1. Concert Sponsor – $5,000

Benefits include: Full page ad in each mainstage concert program, unlimited complimentary tickets for staff, thank you message and cross promotion on social media posts and verbal recognition on the stage of each concert.

2. Orchestra Seat Sponsorship – $1000

Benefits include: Special access to private events including an exclusive in-home end-of-season celebration with other big donors (great opportunity for networking!!), and special recognition in the concert programs

3. Advertising ad in our concert 5 programs

Full Page: $1000

Half Page: $675

Quarter Page: $425

4. Raffle: Every spring we hold our annual raffle, our largest fundraiser. Past raffle prizes include airline tickets, cruise tickets, hotel rooms and tour excursions. If you would like to donate to our raffle please call the office at 586-4676.

5. In Kind. The Juneau Symphony accepts a variety of in-kind donations that range from raffle prizes, rental cars, hotel accommodations, etc.

Program advertisements are available in a variety of sizes. Use the chart below to find the right ad for your business. Then, follow the buttons above to purchase your ad online. Orders must be received by Monday September 23, 2024. Your ad will be placed in five concert programs and will receive approximately 4,500 impressions. Thank you for supporting the Juneau Symphony!