Summer Strings Camp
August 5-9, 2024The five-day camp will include music classes and daily outdoor activities. All string students who have finished 2nd-6th grades are welcome to participate!
Lunch will be provided and bussing will be available from First Student. The camp is currently limited to 40 students, based on CBJ Risk Level, so reserve your spot now! Should interest exceed capacity, a second camp may be added to accommodate more students.
Deposit is $50 and tuition is $150. Fees may be paid in full or in part at time of registration. Scholarships are available and donations are welcome!
The $50 deposit may be waived due to extreme need. Please contact the JS office to request a deposit scholarship – we will work with families so that no child is turned away!
This program is partially funded by the citizens of the City and Borough of Juneau through sales tax revenues.
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